CLOUDED LEOPARDNome scientifico:
Neofelis nebulosaClasse:
Foreste tropicali e subtropicali, paludi di mangrovie e nelle praterieRiproduzione:
90 giorni, 2-4 cuccioli per parto -
It lives in the south-eastern Asia: Himalaya, China, Bhutan, Nepal, Borneo. It prefers 2000 meters elevated tropical and subtropical forests, but it can be found also in mangrove swamps and in meadows. Since it is an extremely elusive animal, we do not know much about it. Solitary by nature, it spends the majority of its time on the trees. It is a medium sized feline. Its body length varies from 60 to 110 cm, excluding the 60-90 cm tail, which is a fundamental support for keeping balance when it jumps among the trees. Its fur is reddish brown, tones down to grey and it is covered with elliptical, irregular, cloud shaped spots. The big paws have long and sharp nails that allows it to climb down the trees even upside down. Its carnivorous nutrition is composed of monkeys, birds, deer, bovines, goats, boars, reptiles. The clouded leopard hunt them by night. Its sexual maturity is achieved at the age of two and female can give birth a brood per year. The gestation lasts about 3 months and on average, 2-4 blind puppies are born. After 2 weeks they open their eyes and begin eating meat, even if they are breastfed until five months old. The biggest danger for the survival of the clouded leopard is represented by its habitat reduction. In addition, hunting is still a strong threat for them. Teeth and fur are indeed a precious trophy, and bones are used as ingredients in the traditional Chinese medicine. They live up to 17 years in captivity. IUCN classifies the species as Vulnerable.