International Species Information System

International Species Information System


International Species Information System

ISIS – International Species Information System

International no-profit organization serving zoological gardens and aquaria all over the world. ISIS offers a database of all the wild species hosted in the zoos and file sharing software, used by more than 800 zoological gardens and aquaria, in almost 80 countries.
The database contains information about 2,4 million animals – 10.000 species. The ISIS members use biological information (age, sex, relatives, place of birth, cause of death etc.) collected inside the ISIS system for the care and management of their own animals (including the demographic and genetic management).

This net of global information is particularly helpful in the everyday park management, and allows a collection of useful information for scientific research and educational activities, giving its contribution to the endangered animals preservation. In some cases, species extinct in the wild, are being bred in zoological gardens and, sometimes, re-integrated to wildlife (ex. the case of the Scimitar Horned Oryx).

Being an ISIS member is a guarantee of quality and honestly.