Common name:
STRIPED HYENAScientific name:
Hyaena hyaenaClass:
Africa – AsiaDiet:
fruits – carrion – bones – wasteHabitat:
savannah and Stony desertsReproduction:
84 days, 1-5 Puppies for childbirth -
The Striped Hyena lives in the arid savannahs, steppes and deserts of Northern, Central and Eastern Africa and South Western Asia.
It is a stocky animal with a large head and sharp ears. The forelegs, being longer then the hind ones, cause the back of this animal to be slanted. Its back is covered by a mane from neck to tail while on the rest of the body the hair is very short. The length of the body, tail excluded, can reach 110cm. The tail is 40cm long. The average weight is 35-36kg. The color of the mantel is yellowish/gray with brown vertical stripes on the flanks and horizontal ones on the legs.
The hyena is solitary and lives in couples or families It has nocturnal habits. Being an omnivore, it eats everything and sometimes hunts slow moving animals. It is a bitter enemy of the lions.
After a gestation of 80-90 days, the female gives birth to 2-4 cubs. The male helps in the raising of the offspring.
Hyaena hyaena
Hyaena hyaena
Hyaena hyaena