Common name:
DAY GECKOScientific name:
Madagascar – Africa del Sud – Golfo del BengalaDiet:
Insects – nectar – fruitHabitat:
2 eggs -
The Day Geckos are small lizards spread mainly in Madagascar.
Most species live in hot and humid forests and arboreal habits.
Often climb on trees and vertical walls keeping clinging with digital pads that have the ability to adhere to a variety of surfaces in an exceptional manner.
Length measurements vary by species from 8 to 25 cm. The male is of larger size than the female.
As a defense system, in case of capture by a predator, they tear the skin in order to be able to leave and get away quickly. They are often preyed upon by birds.
Generally live in groups on a single tree where females often lay their eggs in a common site. They do not like basking in the sun, prefer the mezzombra. Males are highly territorial. The coupling is usually preceded by a courtship ritual that includes protrusions of the tongue, lateral movements of the head and tail and vocalizations. After about a month the female lays 1-2 eggs which hatch after 30-80 days.
They can live more than 10 years